“Things Every Southern Woman Should Know How to Make”

Alice clicked on the headline, mildly curious about what yet another stranger thought should be in her kitchen repertoire. Pictures of China plates mounded with crispy fried chicken, greens, cobbler, and a pile of biscuits a mile high flooded the screen, all set off with a pitcher of sweet tea beaded with condensation. The table was set; an apron draped off to the side next to a box labeled “Gramma’s Recipes” in fine calligraphy. She closed the browser and put away her tablet. She was born a Georgia peach, but she couldn’t make a cobbler to save her life. Did that mean she wasn’t southern? Or maybe just not “Southern.” For Alice, there was no recipe box full of family traditions. Her younger years were filled with rental homes in different states and her father’s voice coaxing her toward a text book rather than a cookbook. Metalworking and fabrication held more interest than learning to flambé or sauté. Did it make her less of a woman that her cooking skills consisted of fresh salads

Final Fantasy VII: My Gateway Game

I am a late-bloomer when it comes to gaming. I’d played one here and there (mostly at my younger brother’s insistence) but I never really enjoyed one until I was in my senior year of high school. That’s when two of my friends forced upon me a game featuring a spiky-haired guy with a really big sword.

I’ve been hooked ever since.

For me, Final Fantasy VII was like an interactive book. There was plenty to read with all of the written dialog, and though it had a main story line, it was sort of Choose-Your-Adventure with the free-roam world. Because I wasn’t a game-player and really not good at mashing buttons under pressure, the turn-base style allowed me to actually get somewhere on the game. And the materia system? Still my favorite magic system ever.

I loved this game…but then I got stuck. And started dreaming about how I was going to get around the giant SNAKE in the marsh. I couldn’t catch a chocobo for the life of me. Then graduation and tests and college applications swarmed me, so I had to give it back. But it was not the end. One of my friends in college just so happened to have FFVII on his computer, and it became a routine to go to his room and watch him play. Before long, five of us huddled around the computer screen, following the story, picking our favorite characters, getting really mad at the end of Disc 1. (If you’ve played it, you know!)

I finally got my own copy, and spent many wonderful hours fighting fiends, calling upon some badass summons, and enjoying a great story.  When I was through, I wanted more. So I got FFVIII. I have all of them now, and many others, some turn-based, some more active, but my heart still belongs to VII. Though I've fallen in love with others, none have captivated me quite like that spikey-haired guy with the who-cares attitude. And the giant sword.  



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